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MadCity Vehicles

In MadCity there's are tons of vehicles, some of them are really fast, and worth buying, while others... not so much. Here is a list of all the vehicles in MadCity.

  • Camaro 
  • SWAT 
  • Phantom 
  • Reaper 
  • Itali GT 
  • Mini 
  • ATV 
  • Dirtbike 
  • Shelby 
  • Mustang 
  • Challenger 
  • GTI 
  • Vapid 
  • Dominator
  • Patriot 
  • Tracer 
  • 911 
  • Inferno 
  • Stingray 
  • Roadster 
  • GTR 
  • Avenger
  • Fury
  • Nero 
  • Rhino Tank 
  • Overdrive 
  • Thunderbird 
  • Hyperdrive 
  • Thunderbird 
  • Hoverboard 
  • Boat 
  • Jet Ski 
  • Hydro 
  • Helicopter 
  • Plane 
  • Scout 
  • Buzzard 
  • Warhawk 
  • Banshee 

  • In this list, there are some vehicles that are from previous seasons and are no longer available. I don't know about you guys, but I skipped all the vehicles and went from Carmaro straight to the Buzzard, a missle shooting helicopter found at the airport. It is slower than the Scout, yet 4 times as expensive, but I feel like it is still worth it. Very efficent against cops and heroes. For the buzzard, when theres a target, it will lock on to it, and show a green sign. That means the target is found, and will shoot there. Then it will turn yellow and red as it gets targeted for longer. When it turns red, then it will start following the target and almost guarrentee an 100% hit. Each bullet does 60 dammage, so 2 missiles will be enough to kill somebody, with a 5 second reload time in between.

    Now that I have the Buzzard, I guess I'm going to start saving up straight for the war hawk, the most effient vehicle in my mind. Not only does it travel super duper fast, but it also have missiles as well, and it loads faster. Since you can only use one vehicle at a time, I don't really see a purpose in buying too much vehicles that I never use, especially ones that are slower than the other ones. 

    As you can see by now, I prefer traveling by air. Since I don't have to turn around in streets and stuff. Some times, when I'm driving a car, I just get hit into a building and takes couple seconds to get back to the road. And this is all I have for today, if you have questions, comments, or concerns, make sure to comment. Have fun and go play MadCity!


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