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Bee Swarm Simulator Tips

Hi everyone, if you are playing Bee Swarm Simulator, and needed more information on Tips and Guides, then read on to find out all about Bee Swarm from an experienced player!

  1. If you are wondering if you should buy royal Jellies from the shop, the answer is that you shouldn't until you can grind up to around 70M honey per day.
  2. For buying items, the order I think the best is: blue/red bag, buy at least 35 hive slots w/ bees, mondo belt bag and beekeeper hat, porcelain dipper and bag, honey belt, honey mask, crimson and cobalt guards, and finally goo mask (easiest and best mask to get in my mind)
  3. Vicious bee or Cobalt and Crimson Guards? Even though vicious bee is literally one of the best event bees, especially for defeating the stump snail, I feel like it's better to get the guards first, especially if you don't have 250 stingers yet.
  4. Use codes wisely. Do not just use a code and just get the rewards, USE THE FIELD BOOSTS!! And the only reason you are using a code for field boost is either for quests or to double up / make your current field boost last longer. For all the available codes in Bee Swarm, visit HERE.
  5. Gifted Bees are IMPORTANT. If you have a hive full of legendary bees, I would recommend getting gifted bees. Any, gifted bee is good, but not try to have too many repeats of the same gifted bee. And if in any case you have a star treat and is wondering who to give it to, I would say either photon bee or gummy bee is the best choice
  6. Always activate the field boosts when ever you can. Do not keep it there and not use it, it's there for a wonderful reason. That should be the ultimate way to grind for honey. Other than that, the only thing you should be grinding for is quests. I would not say you should spend too much time grinding just for the achievements, especially for the lower fields like sunflower and blue flower if you do not have a field boost.
  7. For those F2P people, the easiest way to earn crafting items like pineapple, moon charms, etc, is to kill mobs. Mobs are literally my only way to get all the crafting items needed for cool equipments like the Goo Mask. Don't ever stay in a field and farm for fruits, it's the biggest waste of time.
  8. How to kill Mobs: The werewolf is just easy, if you just run around and make sure he doesn't catch you. Killing the King Beetle could be a little bit tricky, you have to keep a little distance from the beetle, wait there for like couple seconds, then quickly use your parachute and run away right before it jumps toward where you just were. Keep doing that, and the king beetle should be a piece of cake. My favorite is of course the Tunnel Bear, it's rewards is so awesome! To kill the tunnel bear, all you have to do is just stand right in front of it and move at the same pace he moves. Easy! But here's the catch, the tunnel gets more and more narrow as you move on. So as a result, if you can't kill it by the time it's at the end of the tunnel, you have to turn yourself early and just skirt right pass him to the other direction. Finally, the Stump Snail. That took me about 20 hours of afk farming to kill it. So unless you got a really good PC that you don't mind burning, I won't recommend wasting your time killing that until you get vicious bee.
  9. Also, just a secret that not everyone know, if you walk behind the leader board for the Ant Challenge, you're gonna end up next to a gummy bee, if you stand on it and give it a gumdrop, you get teleported to a Gummy HQ where you can claim glue every day!
  10. Sprouts - If you get all the legendary bees, you can go plant a random sprout every day. Sprouts rarity goes like this, Common, Rare, Epic, Legendary, Mythical, Gummy, and Moon. They can drop anything like beans, honey, treats, gum drops, moon charms, and if you're very lucky, even EGGS!
  11. Stick Bug - Tip for the stick bug, rather sacrifice the tokens, then get yourself killed. Unless, of course, you'r farming for honey or crafting items.
  12. If you get your first translator, I would recommend it to either the Gifted Riley NPC, or the Gifted Bucko Bee, depending on whether you have more red or blue bees. After that, for the second translator, give it to the Stick Bug, because at that point, you will be good enough to at least get an amulet.
  13. For amulets, the most important thing is Critical Chance and Critical Power. Then its the %Extra Pollen. After that, it's conversion rate. The last you worry about while depending keep or replace is the movement speed and extra space. 
So basically, bees, quests, and boosts, if the basic things you need to get/do. After that, grinding for other items will be a whole lot easier. If you like my tips, make sure to send it to other people so that everyone can see it. :)


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